Geeeee, so very pretty. Sigh, if only I could have them it would be a dream come true (not actually but you know what I mean). I catch mysel...

Geeeee, so very pretty. Sigh, if only I could have them it would be a dream come true (not actually but you know what I mean). I catch mysel...
Me and Mel are offically twins...or so people say. But tell you see any resemblance??
Yep. This is what happens when you stick me and Ozie in a room, all alone, with only a rinky-dinky old computer to pass the time..... Anyway...
MY SISTER DID IT!!!! She graduated today from medical school, with honors! I'm so proud of you big sis.
This Sucks, I Suck, You Suck, We All Suck....Long Live Stupid People. Screw This.
Indeed. What's left of our family headed off back to italy for a touching (cough cough) family reunion today (all, minus a prodigal sist...
Okay so here they are, just like I said. They're just a few pictures taken on different occasions so you can all see what I've been ...
Yes I know, I haven't updated in a while. Bad llama...anyway, I shall update pictures very soon. So keep in touch. Toodles!