Miroslava with another beautiful and fashionable girl, Margherita Missoni.
I love how she take this baggy, rapper-like sweater and turns it into something chic and unexpected by adding a fur vest, aviators, and a Chanel 2.25.

Now THOSE are leather shorts. I love how they're not all tight and squishy, but really look comfortable. I also really like the high waist with the lenght, makes it look THAT much classier. She pairs them with a sequined top and minimal accessories, making it perfect for day.
Despite her age, (25) Miroslava Duma is a fashion editor for Harper's Bazar Russia (So I understand) and is a regular at fashion shows. This is the perfect outfit to show her status as a working woman, but one that pays attention to her looks.Well guys, gotta run. I really enjoyed typing this up though, maybe "Style Crush" will become a regular feature! Ciao!