Friday, August 10, 2012

Cosmetic Products

Distinct fragrances used in lotions, shampoos, and other cosmetic products are because of certain aromatic hydrocarbons that are also derived from petroleum. Dermatologists and beauty experts have always pitched against the use of petroleum based materials in cosmetic products. In recent times organic and natural cosmetics have not only surfaced in the market, but are also fast increasing their share in the overall global cosmetic market, which is worth over $270 billion. We must attempt to peep into the world of organic and natural alternatives to petroleum in the beauty care products, and explore possible business opportunities in the segment.Ordinary commercial cosmetic products, which include even those that are manufactured by well-reputed brands, often contain toxic and chemically-potent substances capable of causing long term adverse impacts on human skin. Some people, in fact, exhibit immediate health problems upon use of such products.

Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic Products

Cosmetic Products

10 Aug 2012

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