Thursday, May 30, 2013

Just like the grown-ups, kids these days, prefer wearing footwear that highlight their personality. Kids are born with the added advantage of cuteness. Hence, anything they wear suits them perfectly well. Kids, who are a little older for their age, always fancy shoes that match their distinctive taste. Here are the top ten children’s shoes their parents should look out for :

Mary Janes: These classic girls’ footwear has been popular in the past and still is.This is why you will see them almost in all shoe stores.Usually made of black or patent leather, these shoes have a very distinctive style.The best way to sport them is with skirts and dresses.Don’t forget to wear socks with them.

Canvas Shoes: These shoes most apt for casual outings such as picnics and school trips.They are amazingly comfortable as they are made of very soft material.The laces or straps, in some cases, grip the foot tightly and prevents from slipping.

Deck Shoes: These sturdy pair of leather shoes is great for boys who love adventure and sports.There rubber sole have a firm grip and hence, helps running around more easily.

Leather Shoes: These Are a must have for formal occasions.

Bar Shoes: They girls’ shoes are best fitted for casual and semi-casual occasion.Made of leather, these shoes provide extreme comfort to the feet.

Boots : Nobody’s wardrobes are complete without a pair of boots.They are an epitome of style, strength and comfort.

Crocs :  Crocs are the ultimate symbol of casual and comfort.Girls and boys alike, they suit everyone and every outfit.

Sandals : Very important for beaches and relaxing past times, sandals for kids look very stylish otherwise as well. Make sure, you buy them in variety of colours to match with your outfit.

Trainers and Sneakers : Who doesn’t like sporty pass times? If there is comfortable footwear to run and jump around, the feeling is just amazing.

Pull Ons : Pair them smart casuals and you are good to go conquer the world.
30 May 2013

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