Monday, May 6, 2013

Lipstick has become an essential ingredient in every make up kit. Since time immemorial, lipsticks have been used to enhance the beauty and femininity of a woman. But, till date most women do not have a clear idea as to which make up shade suits them. In fact, for some it takes years to understand as to which color compliments their skin tone and the natural color of their lips. Following, are some of the crucial tips which can allow you to get a clear idea about the most suitable lipstick shades:

  1. The best way to find out the most suitable lip color is to find out the undertone of your skin. You can easily follow this simple test. Check the color of the veins in your inner wrist. If it appears blue, you actually have a cool skin tone. On the contrary, if it is more green then you definitely have a warmer skin tone. Since, Indian women have a warmer skin tone, it is always better to go for darker shades like dark plum. For a more olive complexion, you can easily use different shades of brown. Again, women with larger lips can always go for colors like purple and bronze. Alternatively, women with thinner lips can go for colors like lighter shades of peach and pink.
  2. Try out the lipsticks at departmental stores and malls. There can be no better option than trying out the lip colors. Again, since the appropriate color depends on your make up. So, make sure that when you are going for heavier make up, you try out lighter hues. On the other hand, you can team up a soft make up with a bold lip color. This will give a more complete and sophisticated appearance. Since, Indian women generally have an inclination to bright and vivid colors. So, it is essential that you use more natural colors for your lips which not only compliments the dress but also the occasion, you are wearing the lip color for.
  3. Women with a darker skin tone always have an assumption that shades of brown are perfect for their skin color. But, colors and shades like dark pink, wine and plum shades also looks great on women with a darker skin tone.

So, try out these effective guidelines and be blessed with an accentuated appearance. For better results, it is always better to use a lip liner and keep your lips hydrated and fresh.
06 May 2013

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